Rise, Know Your Worth, Find Your Way

Thank you for a very successful 2023/2024 school year!

We are now booking into the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 school years. Next year is looking to be even busier as we are expanding into Saskatchewan and British Columbia, so bookings are going quickly.

Please email info@marcocorbo.com to check available dates in your area. 


We all face challenges in our lives. Being healthy, whether physical or mental, takes work. The reality is that mental health is something that we have to work on, just like everything else. 

Challenges to our mental health are nothing to be embarrassed about. I have dealt with Depression, Anxiety, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, for many years. These conditions have led to low self-esteem, isolation, loneliness, and shame. They have taken me down some very dark roads. 

Although it hasn’t been easy, I have managed to overcome these challenges and have a successful career as a teacher, as well as becoming an accomplished singer/songwriter. I have a wonderful marriage, and I am currently raising two amazing children. This is my story…